Guide 5 Geologic Time
Quiz and Journal Pages
Review Guide 5 Contents
Guide 5 Geologic Time Objectives
This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.
Guide 5 Geologic Time Quiz
Guide 5 Journal Assignment #9
Introduced in the Eons & Eras section of this guide:
Journal Page #9: Geologic Timeline
It can be challenging to visualize the massive intervals of time being discussed in the Precambrian Supereon and Phanerozoic Eon. For this journal page, you are constructing a timeline that shows the relative lengths of geologic time.
Include the order and relative lengths of the Precambrian Supereon and its three Eons (Hadean, Archaen, Proterozoic) and the Phanaerozoic Eon and its three Eras (Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic).
The Precambrian will be very long relative to the Phanerozoic Eon; you may need to have a creative way of looping the timeline. The eras are also different relative lengths.
This can be challenging, but an effective way to learn the order of geologic time. The time spans can be found through Wikipedia and other online sources. Be aware, they often don’t show the relative lengths, many illustrations shorten the Precambrian for convenience.
Guide 5 Journal Assignment #10
Introduced in the Speciation section of this guide:
Journal Page #10: Data to Wisdom
For this journal page you will be describing the process of transforming data to wisdom, including an example of the process.
First, describe in your own words what data, information, knowledge and wisdom are, and then describe the process of transforming data to wisdom using your own example. It could be something you have experienced, or an example you are creating.
You are turning in a journal page that includes:
- a description of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.
- an example of the process of transforming data to wisdom.