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Guide 7 Behaviors


Quiz and Journal Pages

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Guide 7 Behaviors Objectives

This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.

Innate & Learned

Explain what an innate behavior is and provide specific examples of genetically determined behaviors; explain what a learned behavior is and provide specific examples of behaviors altered by experiences; and provide examples of storytelling in science, and select a form of story that you are most likely to learn from over time.


Summarize how sexual reproduction impacts variation, the problems associated with successfully reproducing, and the relationship of reproduction to fitness; provide examples of both simple and elaborate animal mating behaviors, and the potential advantages and disadvantages of each; and explain how animals may compete with other members of their sex within their species.

Social Behaviors

Grid the possible impacts of social behaviors on the actor and recipient of the behaviors; compare and contrast forms of communication, including advantages and disadvantages of each; and provide examples of eusocial species, including the roles individuals play in these societies.

Seasonal Change

Explain how genetics and experience relate to migratory behaviors in various species; describe how seasonal changes lead to aestivation and hibernation behaviors; and provide examples of how citizen science impacts the acquisition of new knowledge.

Guide 7 Behaviors Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Guide 7 Journal Assignment #13

Introduced in the Innate & Learned section of this guide:

Journal Page #13: Science Story

You are creating a science story for this journal page.  
  • Select a topic related to this course’s topics.  It could be about animals, genetics, evolution and/or behaviors.  You can draw on past experiences like a trip to the zoo or a current experience like adopting a pet.
  • Determine how you will make your story an engaging (accessible, unique, and/or enlightening) experience (discovery, interaction, and/or synthesis) for the story’s audience.
  • Select a story form that best fits the engaging science experience you are creating.  It could be an exploration, description, explanation, directions, narrative, or persuasive piece.  It could also be a combination of these forms.
  • Create your story.  It could be all written, a labeled photo essay, a comic strip, mixed media, or whichever form you feel works best for your goals.
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You are turning in an original science story that is:

  • about animals, genetics, evolution, and/or behavior.
  • an engaging (accessible, unique, and/or enlightening) experience (discovery, interaction, and/or synthesis) for the viewer.

Guide 7 Journal Assignment #14

Introduced in the Seasonal Change section of this guide:

Journal Page #14: Animal Behaviors

For this journal page you are documenting animal behaviors.

This media piece is collecting data specifically about animal behaviors.  The animal can be domesticated or wild.  You will be looking for behaviors that are listed above (communicating, foraging, etc.) and capturing that behavioral information with field notes.  These notes can include photos, videos, sketches, and/or writing.

In case conditions do not permit a field excursion this week, you can use the optional videos below to complete this assignment successfully.

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You will be uploading to Canvas your field notes on an animal’s behaviors.  Specifically document:

  • what the animal was doing.
  • how you would classify the behavior (categories are in Tables A & B above).
  • whether you think the behavior is innate and/or learned.
  • whether/how the behavior may impact fitness. 

You can use standard field note structure (date, location, time) or your own preferred structure for documenting behaviors. 

As always: be alert and travel with a companion in the field whenever possible and minimize impact to any animals and their environment.

Journal Page Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Upload your two journal pages to Canvas.  If the file is really large, it may help to host it on a webpage and submit the web link to reduce upload time.

All three assignments are due by Friday 11:59 p.m. P.S.T.  Once you have taken the quiz on Canvas and uploaded your two journal pages, you have completed this guide.  

Learn more about Behaviors

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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