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Guide 1B Communities


Quiz and Journal Pages

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Review Guide 1B Contents

Guide 1B Communities Objectives

This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.

Food Webs

Describe and provide examples of producers, consumers, and decomposers; explain how energy is lost at each trophic (feeding) level; and describe the role of decomposers in nutrient cycling.


Identify different parts of a cross-section of a tree stem and provide examples of different types of wood; describe different ways trees can survive fires; and distinguish between different structures used to classify trees and other plants.


Describe what carrying capacity (K) is and how it can change over time; explain how we humans have raised our carrying capacity; and analyze a population growth figure and a population pyramid.

Vegetables & Herbs

Describe plant structures and functions, including the parts of plants that we consume as vegetables; list the vegetables developed from Brassica oleracea; and explain how herbs and other plants defend themselves against herbivores.

Guide 1B Communities Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Journal Assignment #3

Introduced in the Trees section of this guide:

Journal Page #3: Pressed Leaf

Collect a leaf, press it, and mount it on a piece of paper with glue or tape.  Identify the leaf based on its characteristics using one of the available online leaf keys.  Available websites include:


Include this information on your leaf page:

  • tentative identification of plant the leaf came from.

  • the structures you used to make the identification (for example: leaf shape, venation. etc.)

  • the location where you found the leaf.
  • the date of collection.
  • collected by (your name)
  • any additional notes you may have, like your pressing process.

You can see a sample of what this journal page may look like on Canvas with the PDF template pages.  If you can’t get outdoors, you can also use a leaf from a vegetable, like celery or lettuce.

Use caution if you collect outdoors; travel with a friend, be aware of your surroundings, avoid hazardous situations and restricted locations, and minimize impact on organisms and their environment.

Journal Assignment #4

Introduced in the Populations section of this guide:

Journal Page #4: Quiz Analysis

Now that you have taken the 1A quiz and are learning material for the 1B quiz, it is a good time to reflect on studying and quiz preparation.

Answer the following questions on a journal page.  You do not need to include the questions, only your responses to each question.  You can include additional relevant information if you like.


Questions to answer on your quiz analysis journal page:

  1. Did I recognize all/most of the material on the quiz? ___________ (can indicate whether studying covered the full range of material)
  2. Did I think I would perform better on the exam than I actually did? ___________ (indicates learning to recognize material rather than retrieving answers)
  3. Were there multiple answers I changed, or wasn’t sure about? ____________ (if correct answers don’t pop into the mind, studying may address this)
  4. Did any particular source of material seem to cause more difficulty than other sources? (text or videos?)
  5. What was my study strategy for this quiz?
    (time spent, study locations, study materials made, etc.)
  6. What are two possible ways to improve studying and learning material for the next quiz?

There is a PDF template of this journal page available on Canvas, if you would prefer to fill in a prepared page.

Journal Page Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Upload your two journal pages to Canvas.  If the files are really large, it may help to host it on a webpage and submit the web link to reduce upload time.

All three assignments are due by Saturday 11:59 p.m. P.S.T.  Once you have taken the quiz on Canvas and uploaded your two journal pages, you have completed this guide.  

Learn more about Communities

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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