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Animal News Guide 8


This guide introduces animals you will like to encounter in the news: parasites and beneficial species.

Video Overview

Watch this introduction video.  You can select “cc” to see the text.

This is already the last week of the course!

This Animal News Guide is shorter with two sections.  There are two journal pages to complete as well as compiling and submitting the completed journal (all 16 pages put together), but no quiz.  The assignments (two journal pages and completed journal) are due Friday as usual, and after they are submitted, the course is completed.

Animal News Guide Contents

Complete both sections before submitting your two journal pages and compiled journal.

Guide 8 Animal News Objectives

This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.

Vectors & Parasites

Provide examples of animal species that directly and indirectly benefit humans; and list characteristics of reliable sources of science news and include specific examples of these sources.

Science News

Provide examples of animal species that directly and indirectly benefit humans; and list characteristics of reliable sources of science news and include specific examples of these sources.

Animal News Product Page

Look ahead to the products (quiz & journal pages) you will be making after completing this guide’s four activity pages.

Animal News Resource Page

Would you like to learn more than what is covered in this course?  Visit these extra resources for a lifetime of learning.

AnimalBio Home

Course Overview

Module Index

Links to all four Weeks

This Guide’s Assignments

8 Product Page