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Guide 8 Animal News


Quiz and Journal Pages

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Guide 8 Animal News Objectives

This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.

Vectors & Parasites

Provide examples of animal species that directly and indirectly benefit humans; and list characteristics of reliable sources of science news and include specific examples of these sources.

Science News

Provide examples of animal species that directly and indirectly benefit humans; and list characteristics of reliable sources of science news and include specific examples of these sources.

Guide 8 does not have a Quiz

Journal Assignment #15 is due Friday

Introduced in the Vectors & Parasites section of this guide:

Journal Page #15: Parasite Management

Now that the world is battling SARS-CoV-2, there is great concern that funding will drop related to research of other infectious diseases.  You have been hired as the Director of Infectious Disease Research at the CDC (centers for disease control & prevention) and need to write a statement on why money should be put towards research on managing mosquitos and intestinal worms.  Include arguments you may have, possibly including the potential impact of these animals on humans.
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From what you have learned on this page and/or your own experiences, submit a journal page with two paragraphs:
  • one paragraph describing why research should be funded on managing mosquito vector populations. 
  • one paragraph describing why research should be funded on managing intestinal worm populations.
Note: if you feel the research should not be funded for either of these, provide a compelling argument that shows that you have an understanding of the impact of these animals, but have alternate uses for the funding.

Journal Assignment #16 is due Friday

Introduced in the Science News section of this guide:

Journal Page #16: Beneficial Animal News

For this journal page you are finding and summarizing information on beneficial insects from three different science news websites.  You can find three different sources about one type of animal (for example, honey bees), or locate sources of information on three different types of beneficial animals.
Your journal page includes:
  • The urls (webpage addresses) of the three different sources of science news about beneficial insects (written/dated in 2020 or 2021).
  • Brief summaries in your own words of what each of the three news stories state about the beneficial animal.
  • Why you think each news source is reliable.
You can cast a wide net on what you feel is a “beneficial” animal as long as the news story indicates something about the animal that could benefit humans.

Compiled Journal is also due Friday

Introduced in the Science News section of this guide:

Compiled Journal

Once you have finished all 16 journal pages, you are compiling the pages into a finished journal.  Include at the front of your journal your name and the date of completion.  Your journal may be papers, digital, or a combination of media.  You are submitting evidence that the journal is completed.  It could be the journal itself, a series of photos, or a video tour of the journal.  If it is a large file like a Powerpoint file, you may want to submit it in PDF format.  A large video can be hosted on a website, and the address can be submitted on Canvas.

Journal Page & Compiled Journal Directions

Three things to upload to Canvas by Friday night.
Upload your two journal pages & journal to Canvas.  If the files are really large, it may help to host it on a webpage and submit the web link to reduce upload time.

All three assignments are due by Friday 11:59 p.m. P.S.T.  Once you have uploaded your two journal pages and completed journal, you have completed this course.  

Learn more about Animal News Resources

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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