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4b6 Resources

Guide 8 Research


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About this Guide

World in a Garden

Even if you don’t have a yard; a porch, balcony, window, or corner with a grow light can provide a miniature world for study.  Even if you just plant seeds in sterile potting soil, it won’t be long before you have beneficial soil bacteria brought in by air, other bacteria through water, a variety of winged and walking detritivores, and a few spider carnivores.  The world will come to you, and sometimes thats all we need.

More Bees

With declines in local bee populations, beekeepers are often called in to establish and maintain hives.  Mark is assisting in checking and cleaning a hive in New York.
Amateur, or hobby, beekeeping has a long history and is gaining popularity as bee declines are in the news.  Our local nursery has as much area dedicated to beekeeping supplies as garden tools.
Children’s books and posters provide about as much information as most of us will need to understand and appreciate bees.


Close Up

An inexpensive microscope that magnifies up to 100x can reveal amazing details of all types of organisms.  This is a dog tick at 40x, no stain added.  Even the “pests” are exciting the first time you see them up close and personal.

Vector Friends

In the summer when it gets over 100 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors for two or more consecutive days, the flea populations explode in the Willamette Valley.  Since our cats have a kennel, its possible for them to be exposed to fleas from animals that get to close to the fencing.  Uschi is “putting up with” flea combing, the best chance of getting a flea population under control.
We’re taught when we are young to wash hands repeatedly; it’s a message worth repeating if you work around animals or have pets.

Wishing you many science adventures into the future.

Recommended Books

Mosquitoes have such a huge impact on our species, this is a chance to get to meet them.

Mosquitoes have such a huge impact on our species, this is a chance to get to meet them.

A DK book on bees is worth adding to your collection.

A DK book on bees is worth adding to your collection.

We have a lot of hitchhikers in our bodies, its an eye-opener

We have a lot of hitchhikers in our bodies, its an eye-opener

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Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

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