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Extinctions Guide 6


This guide introduces mass extinctions and the status of current endangered species.

Video Overview

Watch this introduction video.  You can select “cc” to see the text.

Extinctions Guide Contents

Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and submitting your two journal pages.

Guide 6 Extinctions Objectives

This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.

Mass Extinctions

Describe the mass extinctions of the past and compare them to current extinction causes and rates; explain how a genetic bottleneck can occur and how it can lead to extinction; and provide a representative species that has experienced a bottleneck event.

Endangered Species

Share multiple examples of endangered species, including why the species face extinction.; describe attempts being made to study and/or preserve endangered species; and provide characteristics of birds commonly called “raptors” and explain why these species are often at risk for extinction.

Managing Species

Indicate the characteristics of “pest” animals and describe the impacts they have on humans and human products; provide examples of invasive species, including how they have moved and the impacts they have on endemic species; and explain the technological steps being taken to revive extinct species from genetic samples.


Define coevolution and give examples of species that are impacting each other over time, including origins of eukaryotes; provide examples of symbiosis, including parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism; and summarize the structural characteristics, representative organisms, and ecosystem significance of cnidarian species.

Extinctions Product Page

Look ahead to the products (quiz & journal pages) you will be making after completing this guide’s four activity pages.

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