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Guide 3A Freshwater


Quiz and Journal Pages

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Freshwater Guide Objectives

This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.

Lakes & Ponds

Classify lakes based on productivity and identify three different lake zones; write the general process of photosynthesis and provide example of photosynthetic pond organisms; and provide examples of pond consumers, both microscopic and macroscopic, and explain the cascade hypothesis using a lake food web.


Provide examples of different types of wetlands and describe wetland functions; list the characteristics of amphibian species; and describe how various carnivorous plants catch their prey.


List characteristics of mammals; describe marsupials and monotremes, and provide an example of each; and describe beaver characteristics, including impacts on ecosystems.

Conservation Biology

Define conservation biology and natural capital; link stream order to photosynthesis; and provide examples of threats to species and describe efforts to save species from extinction.

Guide 3A Freshwater Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Guide 3A Journal Assignment #9

Introduced in the Lakes & Ponds section of this guide:

Journal Page #9: Lake Food Web

Sketch and label a hypothetical lake food web.  Include the following in your labeled sketch:

  • three lake zones (littoral, limnetic, benthic)
  • examples of producers (microscopic and macroscopic)
  • examples of consumers (microscopic and macroscopic)
  • decomposers
  • arrows for energy flow (including sun and heat)
  • arrows for nutrient cycling

You are turning in a journal page of your handmade (either on paper or digitally produced) lake food web that contains all of the required sketched and labeled components.

It may help to review food webs here.

Guide 3A Journal Assignment #10

Introduced in the Conservation Biology section of this guide:

Journal Page #10: Endangered Species Reflection

You were asked to consider this question: Do species matter even if they are not large, have a significant impact on other species, or have value to humans?  So, for example, does it matter if a particular snail or microorganism goes extinct?

This is a question that draws on knowledge from multiple fields, your own personal experiences and values. 

For this journal page, you are writing your thoughts in response to this question.  You can sketch, write creatively, or use other techniques in this reflection.  In other words, your journal page could be a “stream of consciousness” of ideas that come to mind.

Your grade will be based on whether you answer the question and provide a rationale for your response.  There is no “correct” response; points will be deducted if the response is not substantial.


Journal Page Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Upload your two journal pages to Canvas.  If the file is really large, it may help to host it on a webpage and submit the web link to reduce upload time.

All three assignments are due by Wednesday 11:59 p.m. P.S.T.  Once you have taken the quiz on Canvas and uploaded your two journal pages, you have completed this guide.  

Learn more about Freshwater

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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