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Guide 2A Interactions


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About this Guide


Beyond Predation

Once we start looking at species interactions, the complexity can be overwhelming.  A single flowering plant can have relationships with herbivores, parasites, mutualists, and even competition with other plants.  Studying a single organism could fill a lifetime.  This is a glimpse of why some people can not resist studying the natural world.


Can’t get enough of the arthropods?  Here is a summary overview.
Teaching both on-campus and online has motivated us to come up with fun new ways to learn science concepts.  Thank goodness for ebay: check out this box of animals!  We’re hoping to use them in miniature dioramas.

Collect Soils

This photo is from a viewpoint on Highway 101, just north of Newport, Oregon.  The layers are distinctive and unique to this area of the coast.  Fossils that date back 15 million years are found in the layer at the bottom of the photo.  Sand and soil collecting has become popular with tourists; you can reduce impact by taking photos or videos of your find.
We are so thrilled Uschi has made it to "help" with this course. He has been on chemotherapy for almost a year and is in amazing shape for living with two cancers.

Uschi Helps Out

We are so thrilled Uschi has made it to “help” with this course. He has been on chemotherapy for almost a year and is in amazing shape for living with two cancers.
Tanji and Uschi are brothers, but they are incredibly different in appearance and behavior. Tanji is the "responsible" one; always keeping an eye on us.

Tanji Keeps Watch

Tanji and Uschi are brothers, but they are incredibly different in appearance and behavior. Tanji is the “responsible” one; always keeping an eye on us.

Recommended Books

An eye-opening look at the disparity in global diets.
Gardening starts with healthy soil; start building your own now.
Our lives are entwined with trees; this book puts perspective on our amazing relationship.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

Biodiversity Product Page

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