Guide 4A Terrestrial Biomes
Quiz and Journal Pages
Review Guide 4A Contents
Guide 4A Terrestrial Biomes Objectives
This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.
Resources & Sustainability
Guide 4A Biodiversity Quiz
Guide 4A Journal Assignment #13
Introduced in the Forests section of this guide:
Journal Page #13: Conifer Identification
Videos are provided of five different coniferous trees. Sketch and label the leaves (needles) of each and based on your descriptions, identify each tree.
You are turning in a journal page that is numbered (1 through 5) with a labeled sketch of each tree’s leaves (needles) and identification of each tree based on your description.

Guide 4A Journal Assignment #14
Introduced in the Grasslands section of this guide:
Journal Page #14: Bird Observations
You will be drawing and labeling two different live birds. These can be from around your home or you can use the webcam link (live and videos) provided below. Draw from life or video instead of from a photo or another drawing.
Quickly sketch each bird as you see it, trying to capture the general shape and posture, and when it moves, you can then fill in the other information from memory. Label the following for each of the birds: approximate size, shape, field markings, and the bird’s behaviors/actions.
Use caution if you make observations outdoors; travel with a friend, be aware of your surroundings, avoid hazardous situations and restricted locations, and minimize impact on organisms and their environment.

Include in each of your two labeled bird drawings:
- approximate size
- shape
- field markings (distinctive spots, stripes, colors, overall patterns, and highlights like iridescence)
- behaviors/actions
If birds are not available in your area, the bird cams at this website work well: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/cams/