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Biomes Week 4


Climate determines biome location

Complete all four of these sections.

Goes with Thursday\’s Lecture (exam is on Tuesday)

Supplements Thursday\’s Lecture

Also supplements Thursday\’s Lecture

Goes with 110-minute Laboratory

Content in all four sections can appear on an exam

The first exam is Tuesday Oct. 22, 10:00 – 10:50 a.m., LInC 100.

There is no recitation this week, but we do have lab, and lecture on Thursday.

The next digital post assignment is due Sunday, Oct. 27, by 11:58 p.m.

The material below is not on an exam, but may be of interest

Oregon Adventures

We are living in an amazing place: in under four hours you can drive by ocean, coastal forests, wetlands, prairies, oak savannas, temperate rainforests, coniferous forests, montane tundra, and high desert.  And that doesn\’t even take into account specific ecoregions within larger ecosystems.  After reflecting on your exam this week, take a moment to visit a local habitat, or make plans for a larger adventure.
Travel safely and stay aware of your environment.


Here are some of our favorite mammals: six male pet rats.

Recommended Books

book arctic
Even if you never visit the Arctic, you can enjoy being an armchair traveler.
book oregon
Old-growth forests have fascinating communities to explore.
book mammals
Pick up a regional mammals guide and you may be amazed by the variety of mammalian species that go unseen.

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