This guide explore communication & coordination within the nervous system.
Video Overview
Watch this introduction video. You can select “cc” to see the text.
Coordination Guide Contents
Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and submitting your two journal pages.
Guide 5 Coordination Objectives
This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.
Nervous System
List the organs and functions of the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system, including the locations of the sciatic nerves, median & ulnar nerves, and cranial nerves; identify the parts of a neuron in a drawing or microscopic image, including the dendrites, cell body, axon, and myelin; and explain what occurs at a synapse when one neuron communicates with another neuron.
Neural Impacts
Outline the basic steps of a reflex arc as well as the path information takes through nerves in a visual reaction test; identify parts of the spinal cord, including the gray matter, white matter, and nerve roots; and demonstrate how distractions can impact focus, and describe how pain relief medications and caffeine impact the nervous system.
List different brain structures and their functions as well as the characteristics of brain disorders; explain how neurotransmitters relate to emotions and how neurotransmitters can relate to depression; and describe what forms when you make a memory, and the role of learning strategies, nutrition, and sleep.
List the five “traditional” senses and provide examples of additional senses; identify eye structures and describe their basic functions, including their role in vision and perception; and describe the sensory receptors, potential types of information sent to the brain, and common misconceptions for hearing (audition), taste (gustation), and smell (olfaction).