Guide 5 Coordination
Quiz and Journal Pages
Review Guide 5 Contents
Guide 5 Coordination Objectives
This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.
Nervous System
Neural Impacts
Guide 5 Coordination Quiz
Guide 5 Journal Assignment #9
Introduced in the Brain section of this guide:
Journal Page #9: Learning Strategies
Describe how you can use each of these four strategies to positively impact your own learning:
- Goal Insight
- Repetition
- Trial & Error
- Reduction of interferences

You are turning in a thorough description for how you can utilize each of the four learning strategies (goal insight, repetition, trial & error, reduction of interferences) to improve your own learning.
You may want to contextualize this on how you are approaching remote learning instead of utilizing traditional campus study spaces and routines.
Guide 5 Journal Assignment #10
Introduced in the Senses section of this guide:
Journal Page #10: Sensory Experience
For this journal assignment you are trying a novel (new) sensory experience and describing the experience on the hedonic scale.
First, select a sensation that you have not experienced before. It could be a new combination of tastes, a new scent, trying a type of music, making a new mix of textures, etc.
The journal page you are turning in includes the following three components:
- An explanation of why you selected this particular sensory experience.
- A description of the experience.
- A rating of your novel sensory experience using the hedonic scale.
You can submit text, text and photos, and/or a video.

Note: Exercise safety in your selection and execution of this media piece. Also, keep the description appropriate for a wide audience. In other words, don’t shock the graders.