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1a6 Resources

Guide 1 Organization


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About this Guide

1a6 Resources

Welcome to BI 103!

This has long been one of our favorite courses to teach, there are so many fascinating aspects of the human body.  We are starting small with cells and tissues, and will build the body one organ system at a time.  Along the way are stories related to the biological basis of health and disease.  These are human stories, shared by all of us.  Thank-you to everyone for showing up and making academic progress; you are appreciated.


Additional videos on cells & skin

Here are two different examples of educational posters that can be used to learn about cellular structures.

Another look at a hair follicle with an incredibly detailed model.

A look at the integumentary system across species.

Welcome Teachers

If you are preparing to teach K-16 students or are homeschooling, welcome!

Even if you are not formally choosing a career path towards teaching, you will most likely be teaching family and friends in your lifetime.  We hope that this course helps you experience the joy in learning and teaching science!

From a single egg cell to millions of cells in a developed egg.

Science intersects society in many ways.

Consider making your own representation of a cell (or skin model in the next section).  Add a caption description and you can use it to help answer quiz questions and also add it to your final course portfolio. 

Looking for something to do at home with family?  Make a cell model! This one is out of candy and jello.


It can take a lot of time to set up for a video that may only last a minute or two. Luckily it's a lot of fun!

Staging Videos

It can take a lot of time to set up for a video that may only last a minute or two. Luckily it’s a lot of fun!
Mark has made up a new membrane model for a demo. The moving liquid can bring the concept to life.

Models for Everything

Mark has made up a new membrane model for a demo. The moving liquid can bring the concept to life.
Three-dimensional models of microanatomy make learning about the human body even more fun.

Getting the Point

Three-dimensional models of microanatomy make learning about the human body even more fun.
Some things are better online, especially having the ability to study things at your own pace.

Even Better

Some things are better online, especially having the ability to study things at your own pace.
Journaling can have an impact on what you get out of years worth of educational experiences.

Recommended Books

1a6 Resources

An in-depth & interesting look at the building blocks of life.

1a6 Resources

An intriguing natural history of skin.

1a6 Resources

Unbelievable and memorable case studies of skin disorders.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

Organization Product Page

Complete this guide’s products before advancing on to the next guide

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1: Organization

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2: Movement