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8a1 Current Outbreaks

Current Outbreaks Emerging Infectious Diseases

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Current Outbreak Objectives

  • Provide examples of outbreaks, including why they are occurring.
  • List sources of current outbreak information.

This is the final week and guide of the course.  There is no quiz, but there are three assignments to upload to Canvas by Friday evening of this week: two journal pages and evidence that you have compiled all 16 of your journal pages from these four weeks into a completed journal. 

Information on all three of these assignments is provided over the next two pages.

8a1 Current Outbreaks

When this book about a fictional Ebola epidemic in the U.S. came out in 1987, everyone was using the word “outbreak.”  Now that we are living in the time of COVID-19, there is greater awareness that outbreaks were occurring all along.

Current outbreaks can be monitored at the Centers for Disease Control website. Note the current domestic food-borne outbreaks in the left column and the infectious disease outbreaks in the right column.

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Screen Shot 2023-08-11 at 8.06.30 PM

This video introduces the threat of outbreaks that are quite different than COVID-19.

This incredible set of models reinforces understandings of embryonic and fetal development within the uterus, and also addresses the impacts of infections during pregnancy.  Further research is needed to understand the impact of diseases like Zika and COVID-19 on pregnancy.

Start this Guide’s first journal assignment here

Journal Page #15: COVID-19 Impact

A journal at its best captures a moment of time.  We have been living history with COVID-19 and these are the stories we will share with future generations.

Take time and write about how COVID-19 has impacted your life directly or indirectly.  You can be technical, personal, and/or creative.  The intent of this assignment is to capture your story of the pandemic’s impact.

Turn in a page-worth (or more if you like) of how COVID-19 impacted you in some manner; it can include sketches, photos, and/or text.

The next section introduces the role of public health in reducing disease incidence.

Check your knowledge.  Can you:

  • provide examples of different organ systems, including the hierarchy of organ system, organ(s), tissues, and cells?
  • describe skeletal system structures and functions, including the system’s organs, tissues, and cells?
  • identify various bone disorders, including the organ that is impacted?

Go back to the Outbreaks Guide Page

Go forward to the Public Health Page

Outbreaks Guide Contents

Complete both of these sections before submitting your two journal pages.
Current Outbreaks - YOU ARE HERE

Current Outbreaks - YOU ARE HERE

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8: Outbreaks

This Week’s Assignments

8: Outbreaks Products

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