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Guide 8 Outbreaks


Quiz and Journal Pages

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Guide 8 Outbreaks Objectives

This guide’s quiz has four questions; one matching each objective.

Current Outbreaks

Provide examples of outbreaks, including why they are occurring; and list sources of current outbreak information.

Public Health

Describe five important facets of public health; and explain why research is important, including four areas of research needed to address infectious diseases.

Guide 8 Outbreaks does not have a Quiz

Guide 8 Journal Assignment #15

Introduced in the Current Outbreaks section of this guide:

Journal Page #15: COVID-19 Impact

A journal at its best captures a moment of time.  We have been living history with COVID-19 and these are the stories we will share with future generations.

Take time and write about how COVID-19 has impacted your life directly or indirectly.  You can be technical, personal, and/or creative.  The intent of this assignment is to capture your story of the pandemic’s impact.

Turn in a page-worth (or more if you like) of how COVID-19 impacted you in some manner; it can include sketches, photos, and/or text.


Journal Assignment #16

Introduced in the Public Health section of this guide:

Journal Page #16: COVID-19 Funding

Now that you have been introduced to the basic components of public health, your assignment is write about the parts of public health that you feel need to be funded to continue to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infections.  This can be similar to what is already underway and reported in the news, or it can be your own take on the role of public health in addressing infectious diseases.

You are turning in a summary page of how you think public health should be used to reduce the negative impacts of COVID-19. 

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Compiled Journal is also due Friday

Introduced in the Public Health section of this guide:

Compiled Journal

Once you have finished all 16 journal pages, you are compiling the pages into a finished journal.  Include at the front of your journal your name and the date of completion.  Your journal may be papers, digital, or a combination of media.  You are submitting evidence that the journal is completed.  It could be the journal itself, a series of photos, or a video tour of the journal.  If it is a large file like a Powerpoint file, you may want to submit it in PDF format.  A large video can be hosted on a website, and the address can be submitted on Canvas.

Journal Page & Compiled Journal Directions

Three things to upload to Canvas by Friday night.
Upload your two journal pages & journal to Canvas.  If the files are really large, it may help to host it on a webpage and submit the web link to reduce upload time.

All three assignments are due by Friday 11:59 p.m. P.T.  Once you have submitted your last two journal pages and evidence of the completed journal, you have completed this course.  

Learn more about Outbreaks

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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8: Outbreaks

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