Guide 3A Intake
Additional activities, a behind-the-scenes gallery, recommended books, and more.
About this Guide
A Studied Life
Self-study, finding out more about how you personally function, is one of the trickiest areas of research. We all have pre-conceived notions about who we are and what impacts us on a daily basis. We have journal assignments coming up that will have you developing self-study research projects. You never know what you may learn!
Additional Digestive Game Ideas
A card game on digestive organs and processes.
Constructing a nutritionally balanced meal.
Fabric and felt game pieces.
Mark is busy building model kits we have been finding on Amazon and ebay. This stomach model has several interesting features.
Body Library
If you are building a library about the human body, children’s books can provide a good foundation of basics for the entire family. These books bring the natural world to life.

Learning on Location

Recommended Books

The incredible photos in this book make it interesting for all ages.

A small & portable anatomy book you can take to the doctor and annotate like a journal. Accessible & detailed illustrations, plus inexpensive too.

Why not a coffee table book? What can be more interesting and relevant than our bodies?